NOTES: There is no real plan to the layout - so have at it. Please Include Path and MCET logos PATH, Intl. Region 2 Awards Ceremony and Educational Conference March 26-28, 2021. Congratulations to our award recipients.Ê Tune into the ceremony on Sat. at 4:45 PM Educational Conference has 18 sessions, 2 tracks, local speakers all online, pre-recorded with live Q&A for $200. Sat. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Communication, Equine Health,Ê Business & Mental Health, Sun. 9:AM to 12:30 PM continuation ofÊ Equine & Mental Health. Speakers & General Meetings are free Fri. 7-10 PM, Sat. 4:45-8:45 PM & Sun. 1:00-3:30 PM. Contact Nancy Heller to register