October 9, 10 a.m. (Rain Date October 10) EPIC (Equestrian Partners in Conservation)-Sponsored Free Trail Ride on the Breezy Loop Trail Gather at the Potomac Pony Club grounds, 19301 Bucklodge Road, Boyds, MD 20841 Ride for about 1 1/2 hours Lunch Provided by the Potomac Pony Club and EPIC Waivers and Coggins required for all (please include Waivers and Coggins Accession Numbers & dates when you RSVP) Riding Groups - Walk/Trot & Walk/Trot Canter. If interest warrents, a Walk group may be added Special Dedication Ceremony After the ride, EPIC will dedicate a plaque to the memory of Naomi Manders, a tireless advocate for preserving and improving trails in Montgomery County and Maryland. RSVPs to RSVP@epicmontgomery.org are requested so we can get a head count for lunch, and an idea of the Riding Groups. Attendees for just lunch and the dedication are also welcome. RSVPs are non-binding, but In case weather forces us to reschedule, your RSVP will help us contact you about the change. For further information, please contact Tom Gutierrez (301) 758-5595 or Debby Price (301) 580-4666