7th Annual Mount Harmon Paper Chase $30 Pre-Register $35 Day of Registration Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 Start Anytime - 10 am - 1 pm Mount Harmon 600 Mount Harmon Rd., Earleville, MD (rain date Nov. 15) ¥ 7 miles of scenic, marked turf trails w/natural log jumps (all optional) on a beautiful historic site along the Sassafras River ¥ Register in teams of 1 - 6 riders. Ribbons for the top 3 teams closes to the optimum time. ¥ Drive all the way in the 2.5 mile lane to parking & registration. Coggins please. ¥ Due to Covid regulations, no food will be provided, but please bring your own picnic! Proceed benefit the ongoing preservation of Mount Harmon 410-257-8819 for mor info or in case of inclement weather www.mountharmon.org info@mountharmon.org